Conquering the Creepy Kitchen

I’m really behind in my updates, partly because things have been moving so quickly on the house. Our porches are nearly finished, but even more importantly, we have a kitchen!

Our kitchen could be a poster child for 1980s culinary design.

No, it doesn’t look like much. But now we have a floor. They laid some cheapo linoleum down for us on Saturday, which is good enough for now. As soon as we could walk on it, we started cleaning. And we suddenly realized that we really had our work cut out for us. Aside from the spilled paint, lime-encrusted sink and four years of accumulated grime, we had visitors.

Mice in a drawer. Not to be confused with snakes on a plane.

Had, at least, in the past tense. There’s no sign that the mice are still around. After all, they presumably ran out of food about three years ago. But based on the quantity of mouse poop in our cabinets, they had a pretty decent feast for a few weeks. And now they’ve moved out, leaving us to clean their latrines.

So we’ve been spending the last few nights disinfecting, vacuuming, disinfecting, scrubbing, and disinfecting our kitchen drawers and cabinets. We’re close to finishing, though the wife is considering painting the inside and outside of the cabinets – you know, just for an extra layer of protection. Couldn’t hurt.

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